Pupil Voice & Responisbilities - TEAM BANGABANDHU
Leaders provide a uniquely varied and high-quality set of personal development experiences for pupils. Leaders have planned personal development lessons very carefully so that they guide pupils to become empathic, responsible adults who keep themselves safe. (Ofsted Report 2023)
At Bangabandhu, we are proud to be a Rights Respecting School.
The Rights Respecting School Award (RRSA) is all about making sure that our children and young people know and understand their rights and develop as global citizens by learning to respect the rights of others. As a Rights Respecting School we put the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) at the heart of our policies and practice.
We are Rights Respecting!
Pupil Voice
Our children know that they have the right to be heard in those decisions which affect them (Article 12) and that we value their contributions.
Children from Years 3-6 are invited to apply for the posts of a ‘Rights Respecting School Ambassador’.
The children are invited to submit written applications for the posts, making it clear what they feel they could bring to the post and what they see their role within school and the wider community being.
The Ambassadors meet regularly to discuss ideas and projects to support the school community in its Rights Respecting work. They hold class meetings to find out about issues the children in our school feel strongly about and ensure they involve all children in any consultations.
Each class has an ambassador who informs pupils of their rights and responsibilities. Pupils play a very active role throughout the school, including as school librarians, assistants, eco-ambassadors, assembly ushers and attendance advocates. (Ofsted Report 2023)
Working to make our school the best it can be!
At Bangabandhu our children take charge of our school. It is their school; they are proud of it and they work hard to ensure it is a great place for everyone to be. They have many roles and responsibilities and here are some of them.
Each year a variety of roles and responsibilities are advertised. They children do written applications, making sure they read the job description and meet the selection criteria. They are shortlisted, go through a robust interview process and if they are successful, they get the job. Once appointed they meet their line manager, receive some training and then they start their jobs; just like the real world of work. They definitely earn their jobs and this is excellent preparation for the future.
What a team!
Rights Respecting Ambassadors
They represent the children in the school making sure they know about their rights and how we can do more to promote the rights of every child. They meet regularly with Emma.
Personal Assistants
Here are this year's Personal Assistants. There is plenty for them to do, and we really need their help! They are responsible for assisting Ms Maxwell, Carly and other staff members during lunchtime. They do their duty after they have eaten lunch.
Playground Ambassadors
These children are dedicated to supporting children and are there if anyone has a problem and needs some help. They work closely with our Designated Safeguarding Lead, Naz.
We may not have much green space but our Gardeners keep what we have healthy and blooming. They are responsible for the plants in the communal areas of the school. They do their duty at the start of lunchtime.
Lunchtime Leaders
This group of children bring classes to the dining hall and manage the salad, bread, water and dessert table. They are super organised and lunchtime would be chaotic without them!
'Learn its' Leader
These children check that there are lots of Learn Its practise sheets available for children to take and use. Learn Its are the addition and number facts that we all have to know and answer immediately when asked, e.g 9+&= ? Knowing these means we can then do a range of maths calculations accurately. Thank you for helping us Learn It Leaders.
Assembly Ushers
Our Assembly Ushers ensure that that there is a calm and organised entry to and exit from assembly. They introduce assemblies as well as aiding whoever is leading. They ensure that children are focused and listening. You can easily recognise them as they wear special Bangabandhu blazers and their lanyards.
School Guides
Say hello to our Bangabandhu Guides, always ready to welcome visitors. They are responsible for showing visitors around the school and providing them with background information to help them make the most of their visit.
Eco Ambassadors

Thanks to this group all unused paper goes into the recycling bins for the weekly collection. They are responsible for the recycling in the communal areas of the school. They do their duty at the end of the day.
Early Years Assistants
This team are responsible for helping the younger children learn in Nursery and Reception by talking and playing with them. They do their duty after they have eaten lunch.
Office Assistants
Our Office Assistants are responsible for helping with administration and office tasks. They do their duty after they have had lunch.
Times Tables Experts
Here are our Times Tables Experts. They help and test children on their latest times table. They do their duty after they have had lunch.
Junior Librarians
These children keep our library organised and work very closely with Shaju, our Librarian. If you want a good book recommended, see them. They are responsible for keeping the library tidy, helping children choose, return and issue books. They do their duty after they have eaten their lunch.
Quiz Managers
It's a big job marking the weekly quiz and our Quiz Managers are very efficient. They are responsible for collecting and marking the KS1 and KS2 quizzes. They do their duty once they have eaten lunch.
Reading Partners
These older children take time out at lunchtime each week to read with younger children. They help the younger children to use their sounds, recognise words, understand what they are reading and read with expression. Of course the main thing they do is make sure that the reading session is enjoyable and encourage a love of reading and books. They do that fantastically well!
Sports Ambassadors
These sporty superstars manage the sports equipment in the playground, making sure it is shared fairly and well looked after. They contribute to making sure that we all have an active playtime.