
Admissions, Catchment Area & secondary school applications

Applying for a place at Bangabandhu

Bangabandhu is an inclusive and popular school where we aim to meet the needs of all children, including those with disabilities. 

London Borough of Tower Hamlets manages Nursery, Reception and all ‘in-year’ admissions and we have adopted Tower Hamlet’s admissions policy and allocate school places ...

... in this order of priority:

Nursery Admissions - (3-4 year olds)

Bangabandhu has a nursery which offers 15  hours places.  Application for Nursery places are managed by the London Borough of Tower Hamlets Admission Team.  Please click here to access the website. 

Here is a video from Tower Hamlets about applying for a nursery place. 


Tower Hamlets Nursery Admissions Booklet

Starting School in Tower Hamlets – for 5-year-olds (Reception)

Parents and Guardians should make their application for a Reception school place in the year their child turns four.

Click here for our welcome to Nursery Presentation 

Click here for our Welcome to Reception presentation 

Starting Reception Booklet 

Starting Reception Transition Activity Booklet

Tower Hamlets Reception Admissions Booklet

Here is a video from Tower Hamlets about applying for a primary school place. 


The stages of application are:

  1. Tower Hamlets sends out a booklet to the homes of all children in the Local Authority who are going to be five during the next academic year.
  2. Parents or Carers complete an application form (online or in writing). It is essential that you name at least two other choices for schools in order to ensure you secure a place at one of your preferred schools. The admission form should be returned to the Local Authority by the date given.
  3. The Local Authority sends out a list to each school which gives details of the places applied for and pupils who have allocated places in the school. Written confirmation is then sent to your home address, usually in May in the academic year before your child is due to start in Reception.
  4. We will then contact you directly to invite you to a meeting at the school.
  5. If your child is not accepted into your first choice school, you have the right to appeal.

The above is a brief summary. The booklet ‘Starting School in Tower Hamlets: a guide for parents’ will detail everything you need to know.  This is available from the Tower Hamlets website in the Primary School Admissions section.

Tower Hamlets In Year Admissions Guidance Leaflet

Visiting Our School 

We really welcome visits to Bangabandhu so that you can find out first-hand about our school which we are very proud of.

If you would like to visit, please contact the school on 020 8980 0580 or email the school office

The following dates are available for visits:

21st October 2024

25th November 2024 

16th December 2024

27th January 2025

24th February 2025

31st March 2025

12th May 2025

Our Executive Headteacher, Marie Maxwell our Head of School, Carly Lawrence both like to personally show all prospective parents around. 

Click here for our General Welcome to Parents Information Booklet.

Click here for our Welcome to Bangabandhu Safeguarding Leaflet for Parents

Click here for our Welcome to Bangabandhu Safeguarding Leaflet for Visitors

Applying for a Secondary School Place (Year 7)

If you live in Tower Hamlets and your child is in Year 6 (born between 1 September 2011 and 31 August 2012) you will need to make an online application via for them to transfer to secondary school in September 2022.

Closing date for making applications is 31 October 2022.

For more information about admission visit the secondary school admissions page.

Here is a video from Tower Hamlets about applying for a secondary school place.


 Tower Hamlets Secondary School Admissions Booklet