
Parent Support

At Bangabandhu we strongly believe that building strong, trusting relationships between parents and school will ensure that your children will be happy, enjoy learning and achieve their best.

Our school understands that many children and families experience difficult times which can place stress on home life.

If you have worries about your child's learning, health or change in behaviour, it is always best to discuss these with the class teacher, any member of the Senior Leadership Team or a member of our Pastoral Support Team as they will know your child and can work with you to address any issues. 

Sometimes, there are other problems that parents or carers need some help with and we have a team of people in school who will listen and offer support, working in a non-judgmental way as we know that families come in all shapes and sizes with many challenges to overcome.

 Pastoral Support Team

If we can’t help directly, we will be able to signpost or refer parents and carers to appropriate support.

Here are just some examples of the things we can help with: 

Parenting Programmes

Parenting programmes are a source of support for all parents and carers, and support pupil attendance and behaviour management in schools.

Programmes offer an opportunity to share parenting experiences, develop a greater understanding of child development, build positive relationships and learn skills to deal with challenging behaviour.

In Tower Hamlets a range of parenting programmes take place in schools and community settings across the borough, Monday to Friday.

Professionals can refer with parental consent and parents and carers can self-refer.

Below you will find a parenting programme booklet, programme flyer and referral form.

Please email the Parenting Team if you would like further information or speak to a member of staff in school if you would like some support. 

TH Parenting programme Leaflet

TH Parenting Programme Booklet

Parenting Support Referral Form

Useful Information

Toynbee Hall -

Bromley by Bow Centre -

Help and Support

Jagonari Centre -

Women’s Education Resource Centre - helps with education, training and access courses back into work.

Citizen's Advice Centre -

For help and assistance in legal and law requirements.

Parent Activities

There are lots happening at Bangabandhu.  We regularly have workshops and meetings about learning and in addition to these we have a series of ongoing activities and courses for parents.  

We are lucky to have a space dedicated to parent activities and support, in our Community House.

Here are the things that happen regularly:

Click here for the parent workshops to support learning:

Autumn 2022

Autumn 2021

Spring 2022

Summer 2022

Please click here to take you to the Parent Workshops to Support Learning page.