
Our School Uniform

Reception - Year 6 (5-11 years)                      

Pupils are required to wear the following school uniform:

In the summer, boys may wear black shorts and girls may wear a sun dress.

Uniform items with the school emblem are available at Khalsa Schoolwear (338-390 Bethnal Green Road E2 0AH).  All other items are available from department stores and supermarkets.

Click here to view Bangabandhu Primary School Uniform. 

Nursery (3-4 years)

Children are not required to wear school uniform in Nursery. 

They should wear elasticated trousers and skirts (no tricky buttons or zips!). Their shoes should have velcro fastenings (no laces please!). 

Sports Kits

Pupils are required to wear:

For swimming sessions children should pack swimming trunks or swimming costumes, a swimming hat and a towel.  Goggles are optional.

We swim at York Hall and here is a list of appropriate swimwear that is acceptable in the pool. 

Jewellery and Watches