

Safeguarding Statement

At Tower Hamlets  Primary schools,  there is nothing more important to us than the physical and emotional health and well-being of our pupils.  As such we have created and worked relentlessly to maintain a climate in which staff, pupils, parents and governors feel able to voice concerns comfortably; knowing that effective action will be taken.  We are fully committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all our pupils.  We engender the principle that safeguarding is 'everyone's responsibility'.  All staff and volunteers should raise any concerns they have about poor or unsafe practice and potential failures in the school safeguarding regime.   

The arrangements for safeguarding are effective. Leaders have established a strong safeguarding culture at the school. They provide regular safeguarding information for staff every week. All staff feel responsible for Inspection report: Bangabandhu Primary School 18 and 19 July 2023 4 keeping children safe. They identify and report any sign that a pupil may be at risk from harm. Leaders have strong, professional relationships with external partners and they ensure that pupils receive all the support that they may need. Teachers support pupils to keep safe though the personal development programme that includes assemblies and visits from professionals. Pupils know that they can talk to members of staff if they have a problem. (Ofsted Report 2023)


At Bangabandhu we work tirelessly to ensure that all aspects of school life are safe for pupils, staff, parents, carers and all our visitors.

How do we do this?

We create and follow policies and procedures to help us achieve a fair, safe and harmonious environment for everyone. We want our school to be a place where children are safe from harm, know that staff have their welfare at heart, and that they will always be listened to if they want to discuss a problem. Some examples of the way we do this are listed below. Please visit out School Policies Page to read our safeguarding policies, some of which are listed her but not all.

  • Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy – This policy is updated annually to reflect new guidance and legislation issued in relation to safeguarding children and promoting their welfare within schools and includes: FGM (Female Genital Mutilation), Extremism, Radicalisation and Child Sexual Exploitation.
  • Recruitment and Selection Policy 
  • Acceptable Use Agreements which includes E-safety Policy
  • Equalities Scheme
  • Behaviour Policy
  • SEND Policy
  • Whistle Blowing Policy
  • Health and Safety Policy
  • Attendance (including Children Missing from Education

All policies and guidance apply to all staff, governors, visitors and volunteers working in our school and are in place to ensure that:

  • The school practices ‘safe recruitment’ with regard to checking the suitability of all staff and volunteers who work in school
  • The school has a firmly embedded ‘Safeguarding’ Policy which is brought to staff’s attention initially as part of their induction to school, then via further inset provision, including developing a clear understanding of procedures for identifying and reporting cases of suspected abuse and the provision of subsequent support for these children.
  • The school is a safe environment in which children thrive and develop.

The school follows the Local Authority School Safeguarding arrangements which encompass the DfE's 'Keeping Children Safe in Education', which is updated at least annually.

Click here for our most recent child protection policy. 

Who is responsible?

We believe that every person within our school has the responsibility to ensure the well-being and safety of everyone who uses our site. Whether that is through following agreed procedures, taking time to notice and listen if things aren’t going well, reporting concerns or ensuring a physically and emotionally safe environment.

Janis Baxter is our Designated Safeguard Lead and she is supported in this by two designated deputies.

Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Ms Naz Begum
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead Ms Carly Lawrence
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead Ms Aysha Begum
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead Ms Katie Mik

If you are ever concerned about the well-being of a child please speak directly to a member of staff who can put you in contact with a member of this team.

Important Telephone Numbers

Tower Hamlets MASH
(Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub)
020 7364 5006
NSPCC Whistle Blowing Helpline 0800 028 0285
Police (part of the Multi- Agency Safeguarding Hub) 020 7364 5006
999 - Emergencies only

Reporting Online Abuse and Inappropriate Content

If you have any concerns about online content or interactions you can report this to the police via this website. 
CEOP (Centre for Exploitation and Online Protection Command) is a website for reporting online abuse and concerns about online content or interactions.