Health & Medical Needs
How do we support children with medical conditions?
Pupils at Bangabandhu with medical conditions will be properly supported so that they have full access to education, including school trips and physical education.
The SEND Administrator (Lynn Howell) is the school’s designated staff member who oversees the medical needs of all children.
The school works in partnership with healthcare professionals to provide the appropriate support for children who have medical conditions. We have an allocated school nurse who visits regularly to support with writing and reviewing care plans for children. Every medicine administered is logged. Healthcare professionals provide specific training for school staff that support children with complex medical conditions.
The school follows the statutory guidance Supporting Pupils at School with Medical Conditions 2014. Some children may be disabled and where this is the case the school will comply with its duties under the Equality Act 2010. Some children may have an Education, Health and Care Plan that brings together health and social needs, as well as their special educational provision.
Medication - The Role of Parents and Carers
Parents/carers should, wherever possible, administer or supervise the self-administration of medication to their children. This may be by spacing the doses so that they are not required within school hours, or by the parent/carer coming in to school at lunch time to administer the medication. However, this may not sometimes be practical and in such a case parents/carers may make a request for medication to be administered to their child at school.
If medicine needs to be administered during school time, then a parent or carer must bring it to the school office and fill in the Administration of Medication Permission and Record form. Medication must not be given to the class teacher, or brought into school by the child themselves. If medication is for a short term condition, any remaining medication must be collected from the office by a parent or carer at the end of the school day.
School staff will not administer any medication to pupils unless they have received a medication form properly completed and signed by the parent / guardian and the medication has been received in an appropriately labelled container.
If you have any further questions related to the administration of medication in school, please contact the school office.
Antibiotics/Prescribed Medication
Parent(s) should be encouraged to ask the GP to prescribe an antibiotic which can be given outside of school hours wherever possible. Most antibiotic medication will not need to be administered during school hours. Twice daily doses should be given in the morning before school and in the evening. Three times a day doses can normally be given in the morning before school, immediately after school (provided this is possible) and at bedtime.
It should normally only be necessary to give antibiotics in the school if the dose needs to be given four times a day, in which case a dose is needed at lunchtime.
Parent(s) must complete the Consent Form and confirm that the pupil is not known to be allergic to the antibiotic. The antibiotic should be brought into school in the morning and taken home again after school each day by the parent. Whenever possible the first dose of the course, and ideally the second dose, should be administered by the parent(s).
All antibiotics must be clearly labelled with the pupil’s name, the name of the medication, the dose and the date of dispensing. In school the antibiotics should be stored in a secure cupboard or where necessary in a refrigerator. Many of the liquid antibiotics need to be stored in a refrigerator – if so, this will be stated on the label.
Here is the school’s Medical Needs Policy
Here is the school's First Aid Policy
Here is the school's Asthma Policy